May 3, 2024

    Making government services in Australia more accessible

    Tailoring Solutions to Make Government Services More Accessible

    Bringing top-tier service to Sydneysiders

    This client is an NSW government initiative designed to government services more accessible for individuals and businesses in the area. To do this, they work tirelessly towards consolidating many of these government services into a single network, which greatly simplifies processes and reduces the time and effort needed to interact with the government.

    They operate service centres, a website, an app, and a contact centre. All these avenues part of their commitment to bring crucial services, such as the issuance of driver licenses and vehicle registrations, closer to the people they service.

    Additionally, this client also plays a pivotal role in disaster response, offering support and information to anyone affected by emergencies in the state.

    While they first found us when they were searching for a cost-effective solution to mailing in bulk, we ultimately became one of their advanced suppliers for back-end batch validation.

    Finding the DataTools API “easy to work with”.

    This client is in the business of making life easier for others—so it was great to hear how our products supercharged their workflow from the experts themselves.

    Our tools are straightforward and effective as part of our goal to empower our clients, such as this initiative, in delivering on their promises with greater efficiency and reliability.

    Helping our client keep people safe and informed throughout COVID

    Throughout the pandemic, our engagement with the client deepened as we navigated the challenges together. The increase in address validations, prompted by the widespread use of COVID tracking applications, brought about unique challenges.

    Our team’s swift response in handling unvalidated records and collaborating with Australia Post for investigation exemplifies our commitment to supporting our clients through unforeseen challenges.

    Achieving advanced supplier status in 2022

    Achieving the status of an Advanced Supplier in February 2022 was a milestone in our partnership. This designation was not merely a label but a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering high-quality solutions and our ability to handle high-risk contracts valued over $150,000 (excluding GST). It underscored our operational excellence and our strategic importance to the client’s operations.

    Exploring front-end validation on web forms

    We briefly discussed the possibility of doing front-end address validation, most likely through a web form. While this is possible, we explained that there are licencing differences and subsequently changes in price between address validation in the front-end and the back-end.

    Proactive address management

    We actively forwarded new addresses not yet found in the Postal Address File (PAF) to Australia Post for investigation, ensuring that our client’s database is as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

    Consistent customer support

    We were always just a quick email or call away from helping them understand and implement the most effective methods, so they get maximum value from their investment.


    We understood how crucial it was for this client to stay updated and get things right the first time. These organizations are entrusted with vast amounts of personal and confidential data.

    This meant that the accuracy of every data entry, the efficiency of all their processes, and the integrity of every validation were fundamental commitments to the public.

    Recognizing this, we tailored our services to uphold these high standards, sensitive to how any mistake on our part may affect our client’s capacity to provide crucial government services for Sydneysiders.

    We are proud to have been the right service provider for this client, playing a role in their mission to take the government a step closer to the people.

      Address Validation, Email Validation, Phone Validation
        Government Agency

        Australian Address Lists

        Postcode by State