25 January 2023

How a retail group used address validation to excel through the pandemic

An Australian clothing group used validation to help improve customer service and experience in-store at their POS system, whilst ensuring their retailers do not lose the rapport built with their clientele and customers.

Woman at POS checkout with Phone ready to pay

At a Glance

The client started corresponding with DataTools in 2019. They wanted a service that could help them with address and phone validation.  

When COVID hit the country, lockdowns and travel restrictions meant that an overwhelming number of consumers moved to online shopping and e-commerce. With this in mind, they began a Kleber trial in 2020. Despite a rocky start, this client was won over by Kleber’s impact on their system. They were ready to commit and upgrade to a monthly plan less than two weeks into their three-month trial.  

The Client

This client is one of Australia’s leading house of brands, with a diverse portfolio of owned and licensed brands. They are a major player in retail, particularly in Australian footwear and apparel, with plans for growth in the domestic and international sphere.  

Online Retail using DataTools Kleber

The Challenge

The client struggled significantly with the quality of their data at the start of the pandemic. One particular pain point was making sure each parcels were being sent to the correct addresses during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. For businesses in retail, this can make or break their relationship with a customer.

The post-pandemic era has highlighted the importance of timely, cost-effective and accurate deliveries. According to Voxware, a tech solutions company, over 69% of consumers are less likely to shop with a retailer in the future if an item they purchased is not delivered within two days of the date promised.  

Late, slow, expensive, incorrect, or failed deliveries can now make or break consumer expectations; and in a world where online shops are estimated to generate about $563.4 billion in revenue, this could mean that business who refuse to adapt will be left behind. 


The Process 

  1. In 2019, the Head of IT met regularly with DataTools to discuss switching to the Kleber service. 
  2. By October 2020, they took a renewed interest in implementing Kleber for their 95 retail stores. Despite connectivity issues between DataTools and the client during the demonstration, they agreed to a three-month trial to test the software in their POS system.
  3.  It took the client less than two weeks to be impressed by Kleber’s performance, and they proceeded with a monthly plan.  

The Impact 

Enhanced Address Validation Amidst the Pandemic

The pandemic dealt a debilitating blow to countless businesses around the world. It permanently changed the way people shopped and created a renewed urgency for better address validation and CRM systems. With Kleber’s intervention, this client managed to seamlessly switch tracks and prioritise their e-commerce efforts. 

Key Takeaways

Every connection made is an opportunity for mutual growth. DataTools makes the most out of every point of contact by nurturing a relationship built on trust, empathy and years of experience in the technology industry. 

With Kleber, the client could afford a faster, simpler and more efficient method of gathering their customers’ addresses and phone numbers. 

Australian Address Lists

Postcode by State